Yearly Archives: 2020

An Evaluation Of Akan And Konkomba Witchcraft Trials & Beliefs In Ghana: In Dialogue With The Biblical, Anthropological And Psychiatrists Perspectives

An Evaluation Of Akan And Konkomba Witchcraft Trials & Beliefs In Ghana: In Dialogue With The Biblical, Anthropological And Psychiatrists Perspectives Kwasi Atta Agyapong Issue: Vol.1  [...]

An Evaluation Of Akan And Konkomba Witchcraft Trials & Beliefs In Ghana: In Dialogue With The Biblical, Anthropological And Psychiatrists Perspectives2023-05-20T23:30:40+00:00

Ghana: God is still with us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla ante eget tellus aliquam molestie. Aenean quis purus non arcu mattis euismod. Donec ne maximus eros. Sed quis tellus efficiti ornare turpis lacinia ritrim ligula.

Ghana: God is still with us2023-05-20T23:31:36+00:00

Examining the Authority of Church Leaders in African Christianity

Examining the Authority of Church Leaders in African Christianity Christian F.W. Gbekor Issue: Vol.6  No.8  November 2020 Issue  Article 3 pp. 364-373 DOI :  |  [...]

Examining the Authority of Church Leaders in African Christianity2020-12-22T15:03:57+00:00