Monthly Archives: June 2021

Introducing Eschatology in the African Context Vol. I

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla ante eget tellus aliquam molestie. Aenean quis purus non arcu mattis euismod. Donec ne maximus eros. Sed quis tellus efficiti ornare turpis lacinia ritrim ligula.

Introducing Eschatology in the African Context Vol. I2023-05-20T23:25:22+00:00

Evaluating the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) of ICT Teachers in Junior High Schools: A Case Study of the Abuakwa South Municipality in Ghana.

Evaluating the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) of ICT Teachers in Junior High Schools: A Case Study of the Abuakwa South Municipality in Ghana. Issah Bala [...]

Evaluating the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) of ICT Teachers in Junior High Schools: A Case Study of the Abuakwa South Municipality in Ghana.2023-05-20T23:25:50+00:00