A Guide to Academic Research and Writing in Theology and Religious Studies
Author: Isaac Boaheng
ISBN 978-9988-9389-4-9
DOI: 10.38159/npub.eb2024602
Published: 28th June, 2024.
My nearly ten-year journey of researching and publishing, along with teaching Research Methodology and examining postgraduate research projects across various institutions in Africa, has highlighted the urgent need for a comprehensive research and writing guide tailored to theology and religious studies students. This recognition arises from a clear gap in current literature that fails to adequately address the unique challenges these students encounter in their research endeavours. The impetus for writing this book was further solidified by a recent invitation to teach a research methodology course at an East African institution.
The lecture notes I prepared for the course yielded two manuscripts which were subsequently published as A Guide to Academic Research and Writing in Theology and Religious Studies and An Essential Guide to Research Methodologies in Theology and Religious Studies. The purpose of these volumes is to bridge the existing gap and equip students with the skills needed for effective research. Students are advised to read both volumes together, even though each book can be studied independently of the other.
The present volume, A Guide to Academic Research and Writing in Theology, consists of seven chapters. Chapter one discusses research essentials like problem-solving and knowledge contribution. Chapter two emphasises the importance of the research proposal and its components. The third chapter explores methodological approaches to conducting empirical research. Selected quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches are considered. Chapter four addresses ethics, including ethical conduct, informed consent, and plagiarism. The fifth chapter provides guidelines for critical reviews. Chapter six outlines the thesis/dissertation writing process, while chapter seven focuses on quality assurance in thesis writing, covering transitions, paraphrasing, research supervision, dealing with sweeping statements, proofreading, and other issues.
The book is written in a non-technical style to ensure accessibility for all readers. Each chapter is organised thematically with sub-headings and ends with a summary of key points and review questions to facilitate reflection and comprehension before progressing to the next chapter. There are review exercises at the end of each chapter to challenge the reader and to further solidify understanding and application. There are also over 400 suggested research topics at the end of the book.
Whilst this book is written with African students in mind, its value extends to students globally. Universities and seminaries will find this book beneficial for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. I hope that it will empower researchers to navigate the complex terrain of theological and religious studies with insight, sensitivity, and rigour.
Isaac Boaheng, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics
Department of Theology,
Christian Service University, Ghana;
Research Fellow,
Department of Biblical and Religious Studies
University of the Free State, South Africa
June 2024.
The journey begins in chapter one, where the fundamental concept of research is illuminated, underscoring its pivotal role in problem-solving and the advancement of knowledge. Chapter two focuses on the research proposal, detailing its components and importance in guiding the research process. In chapter three, various empirical research approaches are explored, alongside sampling techniques and data interpretation. Chapter four delves into the ethical considerations of research, including informed consent and plagiarism avoidance. Chapter five offers guidelines for conducting critical reviews of scholarly materials, aiding readers in evaluating existing literature. Chapter six provides an overview of the thesis/dissertation writing process, guiding readers through the writing journey with practical examples. Finally, chapter seven emphasises quality assurance in thesis writing, covering topics such as transitions, paraphrasing, proper citation, research supervision, dealing with sweeping statements and other related issues.
At the conclusion of each chapter, readers are met with thought-provoking review questions designed to reinforce the principles and insights gleaned from the text. Through this meticulously crafted journey, the book equips readers with the essential tools and knowledge needed to embark on their own scholarly endeavours in theology and religious studies
Without a doubt, this book will make a significant and positive impact on the realm of academic research and writing within the disciplines of theology and religious studies. I consider it an essential reading for both scholars and educators, particularly those engaged in teaching and studying the Bible at universities and seminaries. This book stands as an indispensable resource that promises to enrich and elevate the standards of academic discourse in theology and religious studies.
Rev. Prof. Yaw Adu-Gyamfi
Dean of Faculty of Humanities,
Christian Service University, Kumasi, Ghana;
Research Fellow,
University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
1.2 Logical Procedure for Research. 4
1.3 Features of a Good Researcher. 6
1.4 General Characteristics of a Good Research. 8
1.5 Importance of Research. 10
2.1 What is a Research Proposal?. 12
2.2 Why a Research Proposal?. 13
2.3 The Essential Elements of a Research Proposal 14
Justification/Rationale for the Study. 19
Statement of the Research Problem.. 22
Aims/Objectives/Purpose of the Study. 26
Significance/Value of the Study. 27
Assumptions or Presuppositions 29
Research Design and Methodology. 31
Limitations and Delimitations (Scope of the Research) 35
Timetable/Work Plan for the Research. 49
2.4 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks 50
2.5 Common Mistakes in Research Proposal Writing. 53
2.6 Criteria for Examining Research Proposal 54
Strengths of Quantitative Research. 57
Weaknesses of Quantitative Research. 58
Strengths of Qualitative Research. 60
Weaknesses of Qualitative Research. 60
Some Approaches to Qualitative Research. 61
3.3 Mixed-Methods Approach. 67
Convergent (Parallel or Concurrent) Design. 69
Sequential Explanatory Design. 70
The Exploratory Sequential Design. 71
Transformative Mixed-Methods Design. 76
Advantages of Mixed-Methods Approaches 77
Disadvantages of Mixed-Methods Approaches 78
3.4 Triangulation in Empirical Research. 79
3.5 The Concept of Sampling in Empirical Research. 85
3.7 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation. 98
Tips on Data Interpretation. 100
3.8 Some Approaches to the Study of Religion. 101
Philosophy of Religion (Phenomenology) 102
Sociology of Religion or Lived Religion. 105
3.11 Suggested Thesis Topics. 108
4.1 What is Research Ethics?. 110
4.3 Ethical Issues in Collecting Data from Field Informants 112
4.5 Informed Consent Form.. 114
Importance of the Informed Consent Form.. 121
What Constitutes Plagiarism?. 123
What does not Constitute Plagiarism?. 124
5.1 What is a Critical Review?. 128
5.2 Why a Critical Review?. 129
5.3 Components of a Critical Review.. 130
Summary of the Main Argument 130
Evaluation and Critique of the Text 131
5.4 Suggested Structure of a Critical Review Paper. 133
Conclusion (of the Review) 133
6.1 The Structure of a Thesis. 136
The Main Body of the Thesis 142
Bibliography and Appendices 142
6.2 Introducing and Concluding a Chapter. 145
6.3 Presenting, Discussing, Analysing and Interpreting Data. 148
6.4 Concluding the Entire Thesis. 150
Assessment of the Research Hypothesis. 150
Recommendations/Suggestions for Further Research. 151
6.5 Crafting Chapter Headings and Subheadings 152
6.6 Developing Body Paragraphs 155
6.7 Working Under a Research Supervisor. 157
What is Research Supervision?. 157
Ingredients for Effective Supervision. 160
Qualities of a Good Supervisor 161
The Role of the Supervisor 161
Supervisor-Student Agreement 164
Sample Supervisor-Student Agreement 164
Variations in Supervisor’s Style (Role) 168
Responding to Supervisor’s Comments. 171
6.8 Overcoming Challenges in Thesis Writing. 173
6.9 Common Weaknesses/Mistakes in Students’ Theses 174
6.10 Criteria for Examining a Research Thesis 176
7.2 Paraphrasing and Summarising. 181
7.3 Using Sources Correctly and Appropriately. 184
Kinds of Sources for Research. 184
Tips on the use of Sources 185
7.4 Dealing with Citations. 187
Choosing a Style of Citation. 189
Some Key Information Necessary for Citation. 190
Dealing with Changes from a Source. 191
Citing Secondary or Indirect Sources 193
7.5 Dealing with Ambiguities. 194
Tips on Crafting Strong Arguments 199
On the Use of Persuasive Language 200
7.7 Dealing with Sweeping Statements 201
What is a Sweeping Statement? 202
Why Avoid Sweeping Statements?. 202
How to Avoid Sweeping Statements 202
7.8 Interpreting Similarity Index and Dealing with Related Issues 203
What is the Similarity Index?. 203
Interpreting a Similarity Index. 204
Dealing with Similarity Issues. 206
Reducing Similarity Index. 206
Appendix I: Finding Resources for Research. 216
Appendix II: Links to Some Journals 217
Appendix III: Links to Some Institutional Thesis/Dissertation Repositories 219
Appendix IV: Databases for Ebooks and Journal Articles. 220
Appendix V: On Thesis Writing Assistants 223
Thesis Writing Contractors 223
Artificial Intelligence Tools 224
Appendix VI: Preparing for a Thesis/Dissertation Viva. 226
Appendix VII: Suggested Thesis/Dissertation Topics 230
Isaac Boaheng holds a PhD in Theology from the University of the Free State, South Africa. He is a Senior Lecturer in Theology and Christian Ethics at the Christian Service University College, Ghana, and a Research Fellow at the Department of Biblical and Religion Studies, University of the Free State, South Africa.
Boaheng, Isaac. A Guide to Academic Research and Writing in Theology and Religious Studies.(Accra: Noyam, 2024).