Service to Human Beings is Service to God: A General Concern for Humanity
Philip Quacoe-Takrama
Issue: Vol.2 No.3 March 2021 Article 2 pp. 27-31
DOI : | Published online 30th March 2021.
© 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
No leader can lead without serving; a leader must be humble and ready to bring to bear that attitude through service to others. It is also necessary for a leader to make his or her service to people a private affair. Hence service is not to be rendered for rewards because service must go unrewarded by people if it is to meet the Master’s standard. What is needed of humanity today, is the need to serve one another rather than looking for assistance from others. This is a theological reflection, leaning towards service to God which invariably comes through service to human beings. Humanity is today bedeviled with eye service leaders, who serve with the intent to make profit and with the mindset of gaining popularity. Many quickly seize ministry opportunities when the ministry is prominent, proving, popular, prestigious, fulfilling, and profitable but shy away if the opposite is the case. This paper posits that service in any capacity to people is regarded as service unto the Lord. Its stance is that the act of service is the sure way to go if the service of people is to make a meaningful and lasting impact on humanity.
Keywords: Service, Humanity, God.
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Philip Quacoe-Takrama is a Tutor at the Sefwi-Wiawso College of Education, Department of Social Science, and a PhD Student at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Quacoe-Takrama P., “Service to Human Beings is Service to God: A General Concern for Humanity,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2, no.3 (2021): 27-31.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (