Christian Oughtness for Today: Biblical Perspectives for Christian Living
Issue: Vol.2 No.5 May 2021 Article 1 pp. 42-51
DOI : | Published online 27th May 2021.
© 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
The world has traveled on a path that has presented inherent complexities and untold challenges as well as difficulties to the living of the ‘religious’ life in general and the Christian life in particular. Often, modern-day values offer a contradiction to traditional, religious, and biblical values which most of the time eclipses the Christian understanding of how one ought to live in the awareness of one’s Christian identity and vocation. This has culminated in the laxity of awareness in the Christian oughtness, in other words, of how the Christian ought to live in response to one’s identity and calling. This paper has sought to re-present the Christian oughtness anew situating it in its biblical-ethical perspectives. The paper used a narrative paradigm to reflect on biblical Christian ethics in the light of imperatives from the Old and New testaments. The paper envisages deepening a treatise on the awareness of the Christian oughtness from the biblical ethical perspective as a new paradigm through which Christians and people of goodwill would live as they ought to live, in promoting justice, progress and development of all people and their nations.
Keywords: Christian Oughtness, Ethics, Biblico-imperatives
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Ignatius Nti-Abankoro is a Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Spiritan University,Ejisu-Ghana, part-time Lecturer, St. Gregory the Great Provincial Seminary, Parkoso and Tutor in the Department of Social Sciences, Religious Studies Section, Offinso College of Education, Offinso-Ghana. His research interests span the area of Ethics, Religion, Culture and Society, Philosophical Anthropology, Development, and Inculturation theology.
Nti-Abankoro, I. “Christian Oughtness for Today: Biblical Perspectives for Christian Living,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2, no.5 (2021): 42-51
© 2021 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (