Critical-Ethical-Thinking: A Humancentric Theory of Education in the Face of Labour-Market-Schooling in Africa
Issue: Vol.2 No.6 June 2021 Article 1 pp. 52-60
DOI : | Published online 15th June 2021.
© 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
Leaning on a number of philosophers of education and on the researcher’s experience, this paper modestly proposes a humancentric theory of education that puts a priority on enabling educators and learners to primarily develop what is termed “critical-ethical-minds” prior to seeking specialized knowledge and skills. Once this prime objective is achieved, learners would be well equipped to creatively engage with other academic disciplines in view of acquiring corresponding jobs in the life-world. This paper recommends that this theory of education is likely to produce an individual judged as intellectually emancipated and maturely articulate; capable of reasonably facing the realities of this world and Africa in particular, and of transforming his or her society into a better place to live in.
Keywords: Education, Labour-Market-Schooling, Critical-Ethical-Thinking, Humancentric Theory of Education.
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Dr. Bonaventure B. Gubazire is currently a Lecturer in Philosophy at Spiritan University College- Ejisu (Ghana). He is a Catholic priest belonging to the Society of Missionaries of Africa (M. Afr). He also serves as formator (educator) of the Missionaries of Africa candidates. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy awarded by the University of San Carlos- Cebu (Philippines). Dr. Gubazire has served as a missionary in France, Mozambique, Malawi and in the Philippines. He has lectured in philosophy at Inter-congregational Institute (ICI) Balaka, an affiliate of the Catholic University of Malawi. He has also served as formator (educator) of the Missionaries of African candidates in Malawi and in the Philippines. He has published a book on Communitarian Cultures, and presented scholarly papers in various universities. His research interests are focused on Education, Ethics and Religions.
Gubazire B.B. “Critical-Ethical-Thinking: A Humancentric Theory of Education in the Face of Labour-Market-Schooling in Africa” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2, no.6 (2021): 52-60
© 2021 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (