Towards Audio-Visual Resource Implementation to Enhance Language-Learning Abilities
Issue: Vol.3 No.10 October 2022 Article 1 pp. 424-432
DOI: | Published online 4th October 2022.
© 2022 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
For enhanced language learning abilities, the application of diverse teaching and learning resources has been noted to have some positivity towards academic attainment. This paper seeks to examine if audio-visual technologies have any significant influence towards enhancing learner abilities in language learning. Supplementarily, teacher-learner engagement that lacks implementation of the necessary learning gadgets, leads to both teachers and learners being overwhelmed more so in the administration of the English language which is not a home dialect for most learners. Additionally, a vast percentage of courses or subjects reinforcing the curriculum are offered in the English language medium. This investigation is embedded in a qualitative approach entrenched in a case study design, where three university English language teachers from an institution situated in a rural environment were conveniently identified and interviewed using semi-structured interviews as a data collection instrument to examine the problem’s intricate phenomenon. It emerged from the study findings that learning progressions with infused audio-visual resources encourage learner participation. This paper investigates whether teachers in schooling environments give learners access to interrogate audio-visual learning resources on their own, thus catering for learner-centredness. The paper concludes that such technologies are a foundation for effective learning. It becomes essential for learners’ speaking, reading and academic writing skills to advance. The Authors, therefore, recommend re-visiting the consistent use of audio-visual gadgets as means to cater for learners with impairments, thereby closing gaps and learner barriers for diverse cohorts.
Keywords: Diversity, Academic attainment, Participation, Learning barriers, Technology Learning
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Dr. Bulelwa Makena is currently a lecturer and a researcher at the Faculty of Education, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa. This researcher was grounded in research and academia by obtaining academic and professional qualifications from diverse institutions of higher learning: the University of Pretoria, the University of Stellenbosch and Walter Sisulu University. She is a PhD holder in Language Education. Her research focuses on strategies to enhance reading proficiency among the youth of our country, thereby instilling a reading culture. She has published articles in several local and international journals, local and international conference proceedings, as well as book chapters, all of these publications embedded in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
Dr. Ntando Elliot Mpahla has served both duties of being a lecturer and acting HoD in the Faculty of Education, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa. He is a researcher with a passion to investigate on policy imperatives, with specific interest on quality management issues as this is the sole engine for whatever organisation of learning to stand firm. He graduated with his PhD from Fort Hare University. Upon obtaining the qualification, he has made a remarkable output as some post-grad students have graduated under his supervision as the main supervisor.Additionally, has published both in international journals, local and international conference proceedings.
Makena B. & Mpahla N.E. “Towards Audio-Visual Resource Implementation to Enhance Language-Learning Abilities,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 3, no.9 (2022):424-432.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (