The Feminisation of Migration and the Practice of Religion
Issue: Vol.4 No.10 Article 6 pp.1232 – 1242
DOI: | Published online 20th October, 2023
© 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
The phenomenon of feminisation of migration, characterized by the increasing participation of women in international migration flows, has gained attention recently. This paper explored the interplay between feminisation of migration and religion, shedding light on the experiences of migrant women. It investigated how religion serves as a cultural anchor, resilience-building mechanism, and identity negotiator for female migrants. The paper thus outlined the global trend of rising female migration, discusses gender dynamics in migration, and highlights the challenges faced by migrant women in balancing faith practices and integration. It further examined the intersectionality of gender and religious identity, emphasizing the need for a nuanced analysis. The article explored how religious beliefs and practices contribute to the resilience and adaptation of migrant women, and how religion shapes their sense of self. It also explored the role of religious communities in providing support and facilitating community building among migrant women. The study showed that female migration empowers women, increases their control over mobility and rights, and their remittances can contribute significantly to economies. It revealed the multidimensional nature of feminisation of migration and the need for policy recommendations to improve the living and working conditions of migrant women. The paper increases understanding of the challenges faced by women during migration and highlights the importance of protecting and promoting women’s rights. It also notes the impact of women’s absence from home on gender roles and social dynamics.
Keywords: Feminisation, Migration, Practice of Religion, Religious Identities, Gendered Migration Pattern.
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Abdussalam Alhaji Adam is a Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Department of Human Values, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Adam, Abdussalam A. “The Feminisation of Migration and the Practice of Religion.” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 4, no.10 (2023): 1232 – 1242.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (