Intervention Strategies for Challenges Experienced when Supporting Learners from Child-headed Households in Secondary Schools in South Africa
Issue: Vol.5 No.3 Issue Article 13 pp.319-327
DOI: | Published online 22nd March, 2024
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
Keywords: Intervention Strategies, Collaborative Model, Child-Headed Household, Collaboration
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Dr. Kodi Sannie Maila is the Deputy Principal at a secondary school in Mafarana Circuit, Limpopo Province South Africa. Her research interests are vulnerable learners, child-headed households, youth development and leadership in South African schools.
Prof. Khashane Stephen Malatji holds a PhD in Education: Curriculum and Instructional Studies from the University of Fort Hare. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education for Academic Developers from Rhodes University. Prof. Malatji is currently an Associate Professor at the University of South Africa, in the College of Graduate Studies. He is the author of 82 articles in accredited journals. Prof Malatji has successfully supervised 27 Masters’ (7 with cum laude) and 22 Doctoral students. In 2018, he was awarded Young Researcher of the Year by Tshwane University of Technology. In the 2020 academic year, he received an award as Emerging Researcher of the Year awarded by EASA. In 2021, he received an award as Senior Researcher of the Year by TUT. Prof. Malatji has delivered papers and chaired sessions at many national and international conferences. His research interest covers teaching and learning; evaluation of teaching, curriculum development; assessment; and teacher development in higher education.
Maila, Kodi Sannie & Khashane Stephen Malatji.“Intervention Strategies for Challenges Experienced when Supporting Learners from Child-headed Households in Secondary Schools in South Africa,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 5, no.3 (2024): 319-327.
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (