“Unclassifying” Expository Preaching: Pathway to Effective Pulpit Ministry in Africa
ISSUE: Vol.5 No.1 February 2019 Article 8 pp.97 – 105
AUTHOR: Ezekiel Ajibade
DOI : 10.32051/02211908
Topical preaching is very rampant on the pulpits in Africa, and it has not helped the administration of God’s Word or deepened the knowledge of the people in the Scriptures. The problem partly lies in the notion that there are different types of sermons and a preacher is free to choose the one that is most convenient. This negates the fact that biblical exposition should be the norm in the task of rightly dividing the word of truth, and, therefore, places expository preaching as the method, not a method. This paper, advocated isolation of expository preaching from the usual academic classification, agreeing that all biblical preaching is expository. The advantage of doing so is to engender a paradigm shift that will help preachers in Africa develop a pulpit ministry that is both biblical and African in form and content.
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