The Pentecost Event in Acts 2: Significance for Contemporary Christian Missions
ISSUE: Vol.5 No.2 June 2019 Article 10 pp.100 – 111
AUTHOR: Paul Kang-Ewala Diboro
DOI : 10.32051/06241910
The Pentecost Event in Acts of the Apostles has been interpreted from many perspectives within the context of the Pentecost text. Accordingly, the issues raised from the interpretations focused on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, empowerment for missions, the emphasis on the vernacular language for the apprehension and comprehension of the Christian faith among others. These issues are based on the interpretation of the happenings on the day of Pentecost in Acts. This article attempts to draw attention to the significance of Pentecost Event in the light of contemporary Christian missions, particularly in Africa. The article engages the Pentecost narrative or text (Acts 2:1-13) critically and exegetically to unearth its contemporary significance. It argues that, the happenings on the day of Pentecost are the root of Pentecostalism. Some theological and linguistic, missiological and ecclesiological significance are noted and discussed.
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