A Comparative Study Of Human Experimentation From The Christian And Islamic Perspective
ISSUE: Vol.4 No.1 September 2018 Article 8 pp.103-111
AUTHORS: John Kwaku Opoku & Eric Manu
Experimentation or research involving humans as subjects have been in existence throughout the years. This research conducted with human beings as subjects has brought about advancements in the knowledge of medicine (treatment of deadly diseases and all manner of psychological ailment as well as an overall understanding of the human anatomy). However, due to the nature of some horrendous experimentation such as those conducted by German Nazi, the Tuskegee Syphilis study and the Guatemala Syphilis experiments, ethicists are of the view that these experiments abuse the utilitarian motive of satisfying the greatest good. All these opinions have shaped people’s views on ethics of research resulting in ethical guidelines such as the Declaration of Helsinki and the Nuremberg Code to serve as a guide when researches are conducted on human beings. This paper is purposed to highlight the views of both the Christian and Islamic religions on the subject of human experimentation so as to enable individuals understand the bioethical views shared on this biological technology.
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