Land in the Torah as a Source of Christian Religious Education
Issue: Vol.9 No.3 March 2023 Issue Article 2 pp. 134-144
DOI : | Published online 24th March 2023.
© 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
The purpose of this article is to carry out a theological analysis of “land” as one of the important theological themes in the Old Testament. The approach used in this article is the deductive paradigm. Based on the results of the analysis of the theme of land theology in the Old Testament, the theological theme of the “land” refers to the land that belongs to God which was inherited (mahala) by Israel. The land became one of the prominent features of the series of stories and life in the Old Testament. Israel’s responsibility on YHWH’s land is to establish the Torah as a source of religious education. The paper recommends that any Christian that God places anywhere and in any field of work should strive to strengthen Christian teaching that is rooted in the Word of God as a source of teaching authority. It recommends that an understanding of “land” in the Old Testament should become the theological starting point in building the paradigm of Christian Religious Education.
Keywords: Land Theology, Torah, Strengthening Torah, Christian Religious Education
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Noh Ibrahim Boiliu is a Lecturer at the Department of Christian Religious Education, Christian University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. He teaching and research focuses on the Old Testament and the Philosophy of Christian Education.
Haryadi Sarjono, is a Graduate student at the GLOW Theological Seminary, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Harun Y. Natonis, is a Rector and Lecturer at the Kupang State Institute of Christianity, Indonesia.
Boiliu, N.I., Sarjono, H. & Natonis, H.Y. “Land in the Torah as a Source of Christian Religious Education,” E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 9 no.3 (2023): 134-144.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (