The Attitude of Students and the Mediating effect of Acceptance, Interactivity and LMS on Integration of Technology
Issue: Vol.4 No.3 July 2023 Article 1 pp. 58-81
DOI : https://doi.org/10.38159/jelt.2023431 | Published online 5th July 2023.
© 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Although the phenomenon of technology is gradually being integrated into tertiary education in Ghana, the perceptions of students to adopt and adapt to learning technologies for smooth integration of technology into academic programmes in public universities is an issue of concern. Using the Constructivist and Positivist paradigm, this study adopted the quantitative approach and the purposive and quota sampling technique to solicit data from 1704 level 400 students in six (6) accredited public universities. Adopting the regression analyses approach with ten hypotheses tested the results were analyzed with PLS-SEM. The study found that the attitudes of students significantly impact the integration of technology. Indirectly, Students’ Acceptance and Adjustment (AA) to use technology and Learning Management System (LMS) usage significantly mediates the relationship between the Attitude of Students (AS) and the Integration of technology (IG). Furthermore, students’ acceptance and adjustment to adopt technology and the use of the LMS, are key predictors of the integration of technology, but Interactivity is a weak predictor of the integration of technology into academic programmes in the topmost public universities in Ghana.
Keywords: Attitude, Acceptance and Adjustment, Interactivity, Learning Management Systems, Integration of Technology.
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Yaw Odame Gyau is currently a doctoral researcher at the Open University Malaysia (OUM) / Accra Institute of Technology (AIT) and holds an MPhil Education degree from the same university. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the University of Media, Arts and Communication-Ghana Institute of Journalism (UNIMAC-GIJ), Accra. His research interests are in the areas of Educational Technology, Instructional Technology and Advertising Education. Mr. Gyau is a member of the Ghana Association of Writers (GAW), Association of Instructional and Educational Technologists, Ghana (AIETG), American Academy of Advertising (AAA). He is currently the Founder and online Instructor of ELAD (E-learning and Advertising education website- www.eladhub.com).
Dr. Ernest Kwabena Gyan holds a Doctorate degree from Open University, Malaysia, and currently a lecturer at the same university and Associate Lecturer with the University of Sunderland, Greenwich University and University of Ghana, among others. His research interests are in the areas of Educational Administration, Gender and Developmental Issues and Educational Technology.
Dr. Stanley K.M. Semarco is a Senior Lecturer at the Integrated Social Science Department, Ghana Institute of Journalism, University of Media, Arts and Communication. Lecturer in Introduction to Media Management, Human Resource Development, Communication Research Methodology and Statistics at the Masters and Undergraduate Levels. Dr. Semarco specializes in the execution and overall co-ordination of quantitative and qualitative studies. He had gained wide experience from several research works after graduating with a BA in Psychology and Statistics (1998) and MPhil in Industrial and Organisational Psychology (2005). Dr. Semarco’s PhD (Education, 2019) focuses on Educational Managerial Leadership and School Brand Personality. His research interest is in Education Leadership Communication, Community Engagement and Creative Problem-Solving, Talent Development in Media and Communication.
Gyau,Y.O., Gyan E.K. & Semarco, S.K.M. “The Attitude of Students and the Mediating Effect of Acceptance, Interactivity and LMS on Integration of Technology.” Journal of Education and Learning Technology 4, no.3 (2023): 58-81. https://doi.org/10.38159/jelt.2023431
© 2023 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).