Call for Papers for PECANEP Volume 6 2025

You are invited to submit a paper for possible publication in the Pentecostalism, Charismaticism and Neo-Prophetic Movements Journal (PECANEP) scheduled to be published in 2025. PECANEP welcomes the submission of research articles and book reviews with theoretical/conceptual frameworks from the following disciplines:

  • Pentecostalism: Studies of the Protestant Christian movement that emphasizes the direct personal experience of God through baptism with/of the Holy Spirit.
  • Charismaticism: Studies of the trend of historically mainstream Christianity that emphasizes the use of spiritual gifts.
  • Neo-Prophetic Movements: Studies of the offshoot of Pentecostal and Charismatic churches that emphasize spiritual direction in solving problems.
  • New Religious Movements: Studies of African Independent or African Indigenous Churches (AICs), established in Africa by Africans and for Africans.
  • Reformed Spiritual Churches: Studies of African Independent or African Indigenous Churches that adopt and adapt doctrines and strategies of the older churches to get on with current trends in order to stay relevant.

Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, 30th September, 2025.