An Examination of ἁμαρτια (sin) in 1 John and the Akan Concept of Bɔne (sin)
Issue: Vol.5 No.6 August 2023 Article 2 pp. 95-105
DOI : https://doi.org/10.38159/motbit.2023562 | Published online 22nd August, 2023.
© 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The concept of sin or what constitutes sin is very crucial in any culture insofar as the conduct of the people and their relation to the divine is concerned. Using the mother-tongue biblical hermeneutics approach because of the insight it brings to the text, the writer did a comparative study of ἁμαρτια (sin) in 1 John and bɔne (sin) among the Akan of Ghana. The study revealed that even though there is a critical divergence in the way sin is dealt with in 1 John from the Akan concept, there are, however, several similarities. The one-time sacrifice for sin by Christ in 1 John calls for the Akan of Ghana to rethink the efficacy of the annual purification rites for sin. The study contributed to the study of mother-tongue biblical hermeneutics by explaining the concept of sin from the Akan mother-tongue biblical perspective.
Keywords: Sin, bɔne, propitiation, sacrifice, cleansing, 1 John
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Felix Cornelius Agyei is an MTh Candidate in Bible Translation and Interpretation at the Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture, Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana. He also holds a Master of Divinity, Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon, Accra, Ghana.
Jonathan Edward Tetteh Kuwornu-Adjaottor (PhD) is an Associate Professor of New Testament and Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics at the Department of Religious Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Agyei, Felix C. and Kuwornu-Adjaottor, Jonathan E.T. “Mother- An Examination of ἁμαρτια (sin) in 1 John and the Akan Concept of Bɔne (sin),” Journal of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology 5, no.6(2023): 95-105. https://doi.org/10.38159/motbit.2023562
© 2023 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).