The 21st Century and Globalisation of Christianity and Theology: A Search for the Right Framework for Christianity and Theology in Africa and Beyond
Issue: Vol.10 No. 12 November 2024 Issue Article 2 pp.413-422
DOI : | Published online 28th November, 2024.
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (
The study discussed trajectories of the 21st Century and the challenges it presents to globalisation of Christianity and Theology, especially African Christianity and Theology. It used the historical-critical and phenomenological approach which provided the framework and analysis of emerging issues and new pathways. The study examined the role Greco-Roman, Western/European, and African socioreligiocultures and spiritualties have played in the definition of the contexts and contents of Christianity and Theology. It identified three major events in the 21st century which have been most critical. They include (1) decline of Western/European hegemony, (2) shift in the centre of gravity of global Christianity from the global West (Europe and America) to the global South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) and (3) Africa’s emergence as the new centre of gravity of global Christianity. These three events have presented two demands which include (2) the need to re-examine Western/European frameworks that have defined the contexts and contents of Christianity and Theology to decipher their continuous relevance in the face of changing religiographichs nad gynamics (2) the need to recognie Africa’s alternative as legitimate, comeptive framworks for Christianity and Theology. The ailure of which is the result of religeopolitics and relativism, which only present tensions. The study concludes that although the 21st century presents grave challenges for Christianity and Theology, it also presents new pathways. The study recommends that it is important to the success of the globalisation of Christianity and Theology that Africa is bold to embrace elements within its socioreligioculture and spirituality that present competitive alternative to Christianity and Theology. The study contributes to the schoalrship on contemporary issues in African Christianity and Theology the challenge of the 21st century to the globalisation of Christianity and Theology.
Keywords: Christianity, Theology, Globalisation, Socioreligioculture, Spirituality
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Edward Agboada (Rev) is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Religious Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana. He is an Ordained Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. He holds a variety of Academic and professional certificates including a Certificate in Christian Ministry (TTS), Diploma in Theology (TTS), Bachelor of Divinity (TTS), MPhil-Religious Studies (KNUST), MEd- Educational Studies (PUC). Until recently he was a Senior Lecturer at the Ramseyer Training Centre, (Abetifi, Ghana). He taught courses in World Religions, Islamic Studies, Christian-Muslim relations, interfaith dialogue, Cross-Cultural Missions, New Religious Movements, Homiletic (Practice of Preaching), and studies in African Traditional Religions. Presently his research focus is African Christianity, Theology and Biblical scholarship.
Agboada, Edward. “The 21st Century and Globalisation of Christianity and Theology: A Search for the Right Framework for Christianity and Theology in Africa and Beyond,” E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 10 no.12 (2024): 413-422.
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (