Do Persons with Disabilities Really Participate in Community Development Services in Ghana? Evidence from the Adenta Municipality
Issue: Vol.5 No.6 Issue Article 10 pp.917-936
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.20245610 | Published online 14th June, 2024
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Keywords: Communication, Community Development, Participation, Persons with Disability
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Lawson Kwame Lugu holds an MA in Development Communication from the University of Media, Arts and Communication, Ghana. He currently works at the District Assemblies Common Fund, Accra, Ghana. Mr. Lugu has an interest in community development, development communication and disability issues.
Dr. Daniel Odoom is a Senior Lecturer and a Development Communication Specialist. He is currently the Dean of Faculty of Integrated Communication Sciences, University of Media, Arts and Communication, Ghana. Dr. Odoom teaches courses in development communication development studies and research at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels in the same university. He has published extensively in issues related to development communication, development studies, governance, sustainability and community development. He is also an organizational development consultant with rich experience in dynamic team building and large systems interventions. He has an MPhil (Development Studies) and a PhD (NGO Studies and Community Development) both from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Dr. Christopher Dick-Sagoe is a Senior Lecturer and Public Management Specialist who teaches at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels at the University of Botswana. Christopher’s research as a public management expert focuses on the efficient delivery of decentralized public services such as healthcare and education. He accomplishes this by focusing on how the available financial resources shape the spending behaviour of the management of decentralized service providers, as well as the invisible incentives such revenues create for improving the efficiency of decentralized public service delivery. He is, once again, a climate activist who writes about environmental issues. Christopher studied Ph. D in public administration in India. Overall, his research interests are in local government policy, climate change, livelihoods, healthcare, and youth entrepreneurship.
Ebenezer Asumang is currently the Country Director for PIRON Global Development GmbH and Branch Manager for People Investor AG. As a Country Director and Branch Manager, Ebenezer strategically leads, directs and manages people and teams through project initiation, development, and execution across sectors of the economy. Ebenezer is a Business Management Consultant, a Certified Digital Marketer and a Creative Freelance Writer. He is a Sustainable Finance and Investment Analyst and a Columnist. His expertise spans different fields including innovative and sustainable finance, development communication, and international development. He is a member of the Association of Freelance Writers, UK and the Chartered Global Investment Analysts, USA. He has worked for many years in the financial, media, pharmaceutical and the NGO sectors. He holds an MBA from the Open University of Malaysia and an MA from the Ghana Institute of Journalism.
Lugu, Lawson Kwame, Daniel Odoom, Christopher Dick-Sagoe & Ebenezer Asumang. “Do Persons with Disabilities Really Participate in Community Development Services in Ghana? Evidence from the Adenta Municipality,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 5, no.6 (2024): 917-936. https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.20245610
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).