Religious Tolerance: A Panacea for Social Development in Nigeria
Issue: Vol.10 No. 6 June 2024 Special Issue Article 12 pp.118-129
DOI : https://doi.org/10.38159/erats.202410612 | Published online 6th June, 2024.
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Keywords: Peace, Harmony, Inter-religious Relationships, Co-existence, State and Development
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Dr. Iyiola Tomilayo Akindele is a senior lecturer in the Department of Public Administration, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. She bagged her PhD. M.Sc, in Public Administration and M.ed from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife. Also, She obtained her bachelor degree from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She has published scholarly articles in public personnel administration, gender studies, E- governace, and citizens engagement, among others.
Mr Kayode Adesoye Olayode is Doctoral Candidate at the University of Nairobi and a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, Federal College of Education, Okene Kogi State Nigeria and currently a research student in Electoral Institutions at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. He has several articles published on Citizenship Education, Gender Politics and Public Administration in local and international journals.
Dr. Ekanade Israel Kehinde is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science, Trinity University, Lagos, Nigeria. He obtained his PhD in Political Science from the University of Venda, Thohoyandou, Limpopo, South Africa. He has presented papers locally, regionally and internationally. This scholar also has publications in peer reviewed high-impact factor journals and books. His research interests include Politics of Belonging, Terrorism and Violence, Race and Ethnicity, Political Economy of Migration, Political Islam, and African Studies.
Mrs Pelewe Mphephu is a Doctoral Candidate and a lecturer in the department of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Venda, South Africa. Her research interests cover culture, gender, Post-Colonial Studies, African Studies, Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Pelewe has published in both local and international journals.
Tomilayo, Akindele Iyiola, Olayode Kayode Adesoye, Ekanade Israel Kehinde & Pelewe Mphephu. “Religious Tolerance: A Panacea for Social Development in Nigeria,” E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 10 no.6 Special Issue(2024): 118-129. https://doi.org/10.38159/erats.202410612
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).