Harnessing Leadership Styles to Enhance the Effectiveness of Secondary Schools Dynamics in the Vhembe District
Issue: Vol.5 No.13 Issue Article 20 pp.2252-2265
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.202451320 | Published online 25th October, 2024
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The study aimed to explore the relationship between leadership styles and their effectiveness in enhancing the culture of secondary schools in the Vhembe District, South Africa. The study aimed to identify how different leadership approaches impact educator performance, learner achievement, and overall school dynamics. It also sought to provide recommendations for fostering leadership practices that positively influence these domains. A qualitative research approach was used, using purposive sampling to select 20 participants with substantial experience and knowledge of leadership dynamics within secondary schools in the Vhembe East District. The study collected in-depth insights into the various leadership styles practised and their effects on the school environment through interviews and observations. Key findings revealed a variety of leadership styles, from democratic to authoritarian, and their differing impacts on educators and learners. While collaborative and culturally responsive leadership practices enhanced school culture and performance, inconsistent or overly authoritative leadership led to challenges such as low educator morale and poor learner outcomes. The power and influence theory and Leadership trait theory provided a framework for understanding the dynamics of power and the traits that contribute to effective leadership. The study indicated that enhancing collaborative leadership, promoting culturally responsive practices, and maintaining consistency in leadership approaches are crucial to improving leadership quality in secondary schools. These findings contribute to the scholarship by offering practical insights that can guide the development of leadership training programs and inform policy-making in educational leadership, ultimately aiming to cultivate positive and supportive school dynamics.
Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Style, School Ecosystem, Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Trait.
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Dr. Thivhavhudzi Muriel Badugela
Since joining the University of Venda, Muriel has lectured on the Sociology of Education and Curriculum studies. Muriel attended National and international conferences, presenting papers. Muriel published book chapters and papers in peer-reviewed journals. Before joining the university, she taught at a secondary schools for 28 years and worked as a Principal at Tshiluwi Primary School. Since 2018, Muriel has been a Lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Qualifications: STD-Makhado, B.A-Unisa, Bed Hons-Northwest, Med- Curriculum Studies Unisa, ACE- English, Technology Education -Unisa, Travel &Tourism -SACTE; PhD-African studies -Univen.
Badugela, Thivhavhudzi Muriel. “Harnessing Leadership Styles to Enhance the Effectiveness of Secondary Schools Dynamics in Vhembe District,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 5, no.13 (2024): 2252-2265. https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.202451320
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).