Discipleship Approach for Local Church Leaders in the Kigali City – East Central Rwanda Field
Issue: Vol.5 No.6 Issue Article 17 pp.1015-1024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.20245617 | Published online 21st June, 2024
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The objective of this study was to examine the perception and practice of spiritual disciplines among local church leaders in the East Central Rwanda Field of the Seventh-day Adventist Church based in the City of Kigali. A total of 160 leaders, including elders and local department directors, from 38 churches in the area were randomly selected to participate in the study. Data was collected through a self-constructed questionnaire. The data underwent exploratory analysis and was assessed for reliability and validity using Cronbach’s alpha. The findings indicated that a lack of spiritual training was the primary factor contributing to disengagement. Church elders and local department directors expressed their willingness to serve but admitted their inefficiency due to lack of proper training. Consequently, it was recommended that local church leaders should receive training in spiritual practices to help enhance their discipleship as they care for the believers. Numerous research studies have been conducted, but none of them have specifically focused on the impact of discipleship on the leaders of the local church. Although the success of the church is closely linked to leadership at the local level, this study has emphasized the importance of discipleship at the local level in training lay leaders, an area that has not received much attention.
Keywords: Discipleship, Local Church Leaders, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Journaling.
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Gerard Karasira Nsengiyumva is a highly experienced and ordained pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rwanda, with an impressive 30-year record of serving in various capacities. He completed the Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology from the prestigious Adventist University of Africa in 2017. His academic pursuits have continued and he is currently engrossed in pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry from the same esteemed university. His experience ranges from serving in local churches to holding the prestigious position of executive director of the conference, which speaks to his vast knowledge and expertise. Gerard finds immense joy in preaching to congregations of all sizes, and he also has a keen interest in teaching and training pastors and lay people. He has a particular passion for mentoring new and young pastors, which is a testament to his dedication and commitment to the growth and development of the church community. His research interests are centered around the development of effective discipleship strategies and the process of spiritual formation. He is particularly interested in exploring the intersection of theology and practical methodologies, intending to identify best practices for nurturing the spiritual growth of individuals and communities.
Nsengiyumva, Gerard Karasira. “Discipleship Approach for Local Church Leaders in the Kigali City – East Central Rwanda Field,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 5, no.6 (2024): 1015-1024. https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.20245617
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).