The History and Growth of the Home and Urban Mission of the Church of Pentecost, Ghana
Issue: Vol.5 No.4 December 2024 Article 1 pp. 45-57
DOI : https://doi.org/10.38159/pecanep.2024541 | Published online 4th December 2024.
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The research explored the historical evolution and growth of the Home and Urban Mission (HUM) of the Church of Pentecost (CoP) in Ghana. It covers the period from the establishment of the Northern Outreach Ministry (NOM) in 2007, tracing the various developments up to its current status as HUM, in December 2023. HUM represents a distinctive strategic mission approach with the objective of extending outreach to various neglected and marginalized demographics, including expatriates, drug addicts, commercial sex workers, and street children. Additionally, it targets unengaged segments of society such as the Fulani, Hausa, and Kotokoli, as well as migrants from Northern Ghana to the South, alongside other African migrants in Ghana. Employing archival documents and ethnographic data collection tools, the study posited that despite encountering challenges, the success of the strategy has positioned HUM as an essential model for effective Christian missions, particularly towards marginalized and underserved groups. The research highlighted the significance of HUM in exemplifying compassion and love towards marginalized groups, aligning with biblical teachings pertaining to social justice and care for the vulnerable. The success of the ministry is attributed to its capacity to adapt to local contexts and cultures, as well as its steadfast commitment to empowering local leaders and communities. The study’s findings present implications for Christian missions and churches, particularly in urban contexts characterized by substantial populations of marginalized groups. The HUM model, therefore, offers a framework for churches to engage with these populations and manifest the love of God to them.
Keywords: Home and Urban Mission, Church of Pentecost, Mission, Marginalized Groups
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Christian Tsekpoe (PhD Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK) is a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Centre for Ministerial Formation and Training at Pentecost University, Ghana. He is also an ordained minister of the Church of Pentecost.
Augustine Arthur-Norman (PhD Student at the University of Cape Coast) is a lecturer and coordinator for the mentorship program at Pentecost University, Ghana. He is also an ordained minister of the Church of Pentecost.
Roberta Achana (BA Theology, Pentecost University) is a trained teacher and an up-and-coming theologian. She and her husband (Apostle Patrick Aseyoro) serve as the head of the Church of Pentecost in the Suhum area.
Tsekpoe, Christian, Augustine Arthur-Norman & Roberta Achana. “The History and Growth of the Home and Urban Mission of the Church of Pentecost, Ghana.” Pentecostalism, Charismaticism and Neo-Prophetic Movements Journal 5, no.4 (2024): 45-57. https://doi.org/10.38159/pecanep.2024541
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).