Music-based Pedagogies to Teach Conversational Skills to Early Childhood Care and Education’s Learners:The Educators’ Constraints and the Proposed Solutions
Issue: Vol.5 No.7 Issue Article 13 pp.1219-1237
DOI: https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.20245713 | Published online 12th July, 2024
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The indispensable requisite for sustainable, and equitable early childhood education is innovative educators with developmentally appropriate strategies to communicate essential skills to young children. Holistic development of young infants, especially those under five years old lays the foundation of lifelong learning. Research revealed that songs and rhymes aid the development of fundamental abilities in children. However, most of the South African Early Childhood Development (ECD) educators are ill-equipped with expertise hence their constraints in using music-based pedagogy to aid in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) children’s acquisition of conversational skills. Therefore, this case study explored the constraints and proposed solutions for rural ECD educators in employing music-based pedagogies to impart conversational skills to learners. Six ECCE educators were purposively sampled from centres in Kimberley, Northern Cape province, South Africa to participate in a semi-structured interview and reflective writing. The generated data was analyzed thematically. All the participants concurred that the teaching method centered on music was the best for the ECCE classroom, however, they were restricted by factors such as inadequate expertise in music education, a dearth of musical materials, and a lack of government funding to acquire musical resources and inadequate infrastructural facilities and human resources. They believed that a short musical intervention program would boost their effectiveness and their self-confidence in employing music-based pedagogy to impact children’s language development. The study recommends that a resilient support system be implemented to support ECD educators with basic musical abilities. The results of this study will help curriculum creators and ECD/ECCE policymakers improve the developmental facilities available for teaching and learning.
Keywords: Early Childhood Development, Music-based pedagogy, Conversational skills, constraints, and solutions.
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Arasomwan Avosuahi Deborah holds a Ph.D., M.Ed., and B.Ed. Honors, and B.Ed. certificates in Education. She received her Ph.D in Early Childhood Education from the prestigious University of Kwa-Zulu Natal in 2021. She has engaged in teaching (different Education modules) and research activities in institutions of higher learning for about 7 years, especially in the discipline of Foundation phase/Early Childhood Development and Curriculum. Arasomwan Deborah is currently a postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer in the School of Education at Sol Plaatje University Kimberley South Africa. Before joining Sol Plaatje University, she was an ad hoc lecturer at the University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal in the School of Education. Her research centres around three goals: (1) Conducting an action-participating research to empower the ECCE educator practically with rudiment of music to use music-based pedagogy in ECCE classrooms- influencing early childhood practitioners’ perspectives on the use of age-appropriate music pedagogy to help young children develop fundamental abilities (2) Investigating challenges of foundation phase lecturers in conducting digital formative assessment and (3) Investigating students’ views on virtual learning. She also engages in Community development programs such as empowering the Foundation Phase rural first-year students with effective reading skills and empowering the Rural ECD educators with rudiment of music to aid their productivity in teaching activities.
Glynnis Daries (Ph.D.) is a senior lecturer in the Foundation Phase of Teaching at Sol Plaatje University. She is the acting Head of the Department of Education Studies. In a career that spans over 14 years, she has played the role of a teacher, facilitator, manager, academic, researcher, mentor, and advocate for the early years. She completed her Ph.D. in early childhood care and education in January 2017 at the University of the Free State. Her Ph.D. focused on the ‘funds of knowledge’ of practitioners and young children at community and privately owned early years centers. The study contributed to a deeper understanding of the sources of knowledge and the daily practice of practitioners with very young children. She contributed to new thinking about the professionalism of early childhood practitioners. She is currently part of two inter-university research projects that focus on Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). The first project focuses on how teachers, principals, parents, university lecturers, and Department of Education subject advisors work successfully as a Community of Practice (CoP) to stimulate change for Foundation Phase learners and parents. The Family Math project incorporates the use of mother tongue instruction and the manipulation of concrete Teaching and Learning aids to develop mathematical knowledge and skills in the Foundation Phase. Parental involvement, homework support, and the use of concrete manipulatives is emphasized. The second research project in ECCE centres is designed around a Participatory Action Learning and Action Research (PALAR) approach to family and community involvement. Different community stakeholders and participants come together and use hands-on activities to promote the perceptual development and emergent numeracy skills of young children in early childhood centres. The aim is to work with participants in ways that will sustain contextually relevant and age-appropriate early education among practitioners, children, and parents.
Arasomwan, Deborah Avosuahi & Glynnis Daries. “Music-based Pedagogies to Teach Conversational Skills to Early Childhood Care and Education’s Learners: The Educators’ Constraints and the Proposed Solutions,” E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 5, no.7 (2024): 1219-1237. https://doi.org/10.38159/ehass.20245713
© 2024 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Journals. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).