Dynamic Equivalence and Mother-Tongue Translations of the Bible

ISSUE: Vol.4  No.1 September 2018 Article 19  pp.243-250
AUTHORS:  Patrick Yankyera,Jonathan E. T. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, & Solace Ago Yankson



African theologian discourses have tended to remain perpetually foreign and neo-colonist in thought and language, which is quite often irrelevant to the contemporary Ghanaian and African context. This has resulted from the fact that African theological education has been integrated into typical European and North American academic traditions neglecting the norms, values and principles inherent to Ghana and African culture. This includes the introduction of Western methodologies of Bible translation into the translation curriculum of African seminaries and universities. This paper discusses two major philosophies of Bible translation – formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence – and their relevance to mother-tongue translations of the Bible. Using evidence from literature and observations made by the authors, it argues that if Ghanaians and African translators and theologians want their readers to identify with God’s word then dynamic equivalence translation philosophy should be used to translate mother-tongue Bibles.

Jonathan. Edward. Tetteh. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, PhD is an Associate Professor of New Testament and Mother-tongue Biblical Hermeneutics in the Department of Religious Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. Patrick Yankyera is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Religious Studies, KNUST. Solace Ago Yankson, PhD is a Lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages-Akan section, KNUST

Yankyera P, Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T., Yankson, S. A ,“Dynamic Equivalence and Mother-Tongue Translations of the Bible.” E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies 4, no.1 (2018): 243-250.

© 2020 The Author(s). Published and Maintained by Noyam Publishers. This is an open access article under the CCBY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

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